Food Quotes

"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." ~Julia Child


I am a single mother of two beautiful children Ben and Sophia. Together the three of us are setting out to explore all things culinary. We are planning on sharing all of our experiences such as creating a new recipe, making sweet treats, finding interesting places to eat, and whatever else we decide to share. The most important thing is to get them involved in the whole process so that they wont be so picky and hopefully gain an appreciation for ingredients.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Zuchini Bread.....Transformed

The Main Ingredient ~ Zuchini Shredded

Butterfly Bundt Pan
Heart Bundt Pan

Both Cakes lightly dusted with powdered sugar

See the pretty flecks of green from the Zuchini
My parent's moved into their new home this year and my mom was able to sow her garden and we have been reaping the benefits already. Grocery store produce just doesn't compare to straight from  the garden fruits and vegetables. She defintely has a green thumb, which I sure did not inherit. I would love to have my own garden, not that I have the time at this point. So there are no complaints from my sister or myself getting whatever is ready from her garden every time we see her. One of the vegetables she brought was zuchini. I decided to make a zuchini bread and baked in 2 of my bundt pans. They turned out so cute and my sister photographed the cakes and did a great job! Love you sis! If you haven't tried zuchini bread, think of a carrot cake, you can't taste the zuchini but it adds a wonderful texture to the bread as well as being pleasing to the eye when you cut into it. It's a great bread to take to a neighbor or work in the spring and summer month's.

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