Food Quotes

"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." ~Julia Child


I am a single mother of two beautiful children Ben and Sophia. Together the three of us are setting out to explore all things culinary. We are planning on sharing all of our experiences such as creating a new recipe, making sweet treats, finding interesting places to eat, and whatever else we decide to share. The most important thing is to get them involved in the whole process so that they wont be so picky and hopefully gain an appreciation for ingredients.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Wicked Brownies

 All the Ingredients to make a Wickedly COSMIC Brownie

Mixing Dry Ingredients

Folding all together being careful not to overmix

Brownie baked on a sheet pan
Over a Pound of Dark Chocolate

Chocolate Chopped up
Add warmed Heavy Cream

Ganache ~ Stir Chocolate and Cream to combine
Spread the Ganache over the cooled Brownies

Frosted Brownies Sprinkled with
Rainbow Chocolate Chips

Cut Brownies into squares or whatever shape you want

Wicked Brownies Plated

Do they look familar.......hint...... Little Debbie : )

Sighhhh, this was my last bar of chocolate to use up before I leave, how bittersweet...... both literally and figuratively, lol. I wanted to make frosted fudgy brownies for the kids. I went to the craft store to look for something decorative for them like sprinkles and saw these. It made me think of the Little Debbie snacks, you know Cosmic Brownies. Do they even make them anymore? I am not sure I don't really by those snacks anymore since I make treats for the kids. But my sister's and I loved them with the pretty little colored chips on top. I baked these on a sheet pan (15x10x1, I believe) I like to bake my brownies in this pan because I can cut them into huge squares. Also it takes less time to bake off and cool, so quicker for us to enjoy them :). These were really fudgy like the Cosminc brownies I remember, but more for the adult palette with the dark chocolate. The kids and I love dark chocolate so it was heavenly, but if you dont care for it use a semi sweet or milk chocolate. It would also be neat to do the opposite and do a blondie with white chocolate frosting. I am still working on my photographing skills, I need my sis! It's getting better I think, at least I am not using my phone to take the pic's anymore lol. 

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