Food Quotes

"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." ~Julia Child


I am a single mother of two beautiful children Ben and Sophia. Together the three of us are setting out to explore all things culinary. We are planning on sharing all of our experiences such as creating a new recipe, making sweet treats, finding interesting places to eat, and whatever else we decide to share. The most important thing is to get them involved in the whole process so that they wont be so picky and hopefully gain an appreciation for ingredients.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bakery in Germany

Cake Donut with Vanilla Frosting and Candy Sprinkles

Turkey Sandwich with tons of veggie's German Mustard
on a Home madeWhole Grain Roll

We had an overnight stop in Germany, last night we ate at a fantastic German Restaurant called Fat Emma's. I had JagerSchniztel and Spatezle it was sooooo good. The portion's were huge I will post pictures when I get it from one of the guy's I am traveling with. This morning before our flight we stopped in at a German Bakery to get coffee and breakfast.  YOu could smell all the fresh baked goodies from a mile away. And walking in and seeing the displays of pastries, one could harldy decide. I got a donut and a turkey sandwich for the plane ride. I drank a carmel macchiatto so much better then in the states. I wish I could have stayed longer! I want to come back for sure just for all the yummy food!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blondie's with Chocolate Ganache

Blondie Batter dotted with Butterscotch
 and Semi Sweet Chips

Blondie's Baked

Frosted Chocolatey goodness!

Cut into Squares


I don't really need to say much about this recipe the pic's say it all. This is a Blondie Batter and I mixed in Chocolate and Butterscotch Chips and then iced with a Chocolate Frosting. This would be good with a scoop of ice cream.

Homemade Granola Two Ways


Tropical Granola Packaged Pretty
Linda experimented with making her own homemade granola last week. She made two different versions. The first one was with dark chocolate chips, almonds and mixed dried berries. The second version was had a tropical twist with white chocolate chips, tropical dried fruit, macadamia nuts and pistashio's. Both were soooooo good. I mostly snacked on it like a trail mix but it would be good eaten like a cereal or on top of yogurt. I am excited that she will be sending me homemade treats while I am away! It will give me something to look forward too.

Korean Taco's

Bulgogi with sauteed Mushrooms,
Peppers and Onions 

Here's the Fusion, of Korean and Mexican

Then adding Kimchi to the taco
This is a Popular dish in big cities, where Chef's want to try different
dishes and combine different Ethnicities
Serve with Rice
I have been gone for the past few weeks so my sis has been helping me with my posting. So she has been making recipes and sending so now I have time some time to post. My mom would be so happy to see that we fused one of the tradional dishes, Bulgogi she has made for us growing up with one of our favorite foods taco's. They have food trucks in big cities that specialize in different Korean Taco's. Yum! Thanks sis!